Pre Treatment

Pre Treatment

Avoid drinking coffee, taking ibuprofen, and aspirin (unless medically advised), and consuming alcohol the night before your treatment. You will not be able to apply to make up for 24 hours after your treatment. We strongly recommend using new products to avoid bacterial contamination. Ideally, you should not visit the gym, sauna, jacuzzi, or swim for 24 hours. Any tweezing, waxing, facial hair tinting or eyelash curling should be done 48 hours prior to treatment and 1 week after the procedure.

  • Eyeliner: You should not wear eyelash extensions, please remove them before arriving at the clinic. If you wear contact lenses you will need to bring glasses to wear immediately after your treatment.
  • Lips: If you are prone to cold sores, it is likely you will have an outbreak. Take neccessary precautions to avoid.


You must be in good health on the day of your treatment. Please eat before you visit the clinic. This will help with your blood sugar levels. You will be required to fill Consent and Treatment forms and will have your photograph taken. These will be stored securely by your technician.

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